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What is IoMT? From Wearables to Life-Saving Devices

November 1, 2023
Updated: June 11, 2024

In the last couple of years, we’ve watched the IoT (Internet of Things) transition from a cool new concept to something we interact with daily. It sparked a kind of smart digital transformation that touched almost everything – from simple “smart home” devices like smart thermostats to complex industrial machinery and transportation systems. And when you look at the healthcare sector? You’ll see the real change in healthcare software development happening with IoMT. But what is IoMT, you might ask. 

Think of it as the healthcare-specific side of IoT. We’re talking about tools that literally keep people healthy and, in some cases, even save lives. In this exploration, we’ll answer the question of what is IoMT technology, clear up its perspectives in the current market, and provide you with case studies that showcase IoMT in action.

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What is Internet of Medical Things (IoMT): An Overview

When we say IoMT stands for the “Internet of Medical Things,” we refer to a specialized subset of IoT, or the Internet of Things. While IoT broadly encapsulates everything from your connected refrigerator to city-wide traffic systems, IoMT narrows that scope, concentrating solely on healthcare-related elements.

So, what exactly comprises the IoMT definition? At its core, IoMT is the networked collection of medical devices, applications, and health systems and services. It’s how your doctor can remotely monitor your vitals or how real-time data from a wearable can advise a change in treatment protocol. This connectivity isn’t merely about convenience; it’s about providing timely interventions, optimizing treatment plans, and enhancing patient experiences.

What is IoMT

IoMT vs. IoT: A Deeper Dive Into Their Differences

In the vast space of modern technologies, IoT (Internet of Things) and IoMT (Internet of Medical Things) are significant players. While they both revolve around interconnected devices, the contexts in which they operate, their purposes, and their implications differ vastly. We’ve compiled the details into a table to compare these two concepts better.

Basis of ComparisonIoMT (Internet of Medical Things)IoT (Internet of Things)
DefinitionA subset of IoT that focuses on connected medical devices and applications to improve patient outcomes and healthcare operations.Refers to the interconnection of everyday objects via the internet, making them “smart” and able to collect and exchange data.
Primary FocusExclusively targets the healthcare and medical sectors.Wide-ranging and encompasses a diverse spectrum from consumer goods to industrial equipment.
ExamplesRemote patient monitoring devices, wearable glucose monitors, connected inhalers, and medical imaging systems.Smart light bulbs, connected cars, automated factory equipment, smart thermostats.
Data SensitivityPrimarily handles highly sensitive, confidential, and regulated health data directly impacting patient well-being.Data can be personal or generic, ranging from a user’s preferred room temperature to factory machine operational hours.
RegulationsSubject to stringent regulations due to the vital nature of health data, such as HIPAA in the U.S.While regulations exist, especially for data protection (like GDPR in Europe), they are generally less strict than those in the medical sector.
Main BenefitsReal-time patient monitoring, personalized treatment plans, reduction in healthcare operational costs, and efficient management of chronic diseases.Offers enhanced user convenience, efficient resource utilization, automation, and data-driven insights across various industries.
Security ConcernsExtremely high – any breach can lead to grave consequences, including potential patient harm and massive penalties for violating health privacy regulations.Security concerns exist, especially with personal data, but the immediate physical implications are typically lower than in the medical domain.
RisksMisdiagnosis due to faulty data, unauthorized access to critical health data, and potential for malfunctioning life-critical devices.Privacy breaches, potential for minor physical harm (like a hacked smart car), and data misuse.
InteroperabilityRequires highly standardized protocols to ensure diverse medical devices can communicate seamlessly.Although standards are beneficial, there’s more flexibility and variation in implementation across different medical IoT devices.
Market Growth DriversA growing elderly population, rising chronic diseases, surging healthcare expenses, and recent advancements in medical tech.Surging preference for intelligent devices, swift city growth, industrial innovations, and a more tech-aware consumer base.

IoMT: Its Core Elements

For those keen on understanding the broader IoT architecture, we’ve got a detailed piece ready. But here, our focus is on the essence of IoMT and its interaction with medical data.

The Components of IoMT

Medical Devices and Equipment

You can’t talk about IoMT without shining a spotlight on medical devices. Let’s explore some of the stars in this space:


The rise of these gadgets isn’t just a fad. They’re loved for the immediate health updates they offer.

  • Smart Watches: They’re your mini health-check hubs, gauging heart rhythms, tracking movement, and even providing ECG feedback.
  • Fitness Trackers: With sensors that log steps, distance, and calories, these bands give a complete picture of one’s daily exertion.
  • Glucose Monitors: These are lifelines for diabetes patients, keeping a close watch on blood sugar levels around the clock.


These devices don’t just measure; they record, ensuring a full picture of patient health.

  • Blood Pressure Monitors: Vital for those with cardiovascular risks, these devices monitor both systolic and diastolic pressure levels.
  • Pulse Oximeters: Essential in measuring oxygen levels in blood, they are crucial for patients with breathing challenges or those undergoing surgeries

Connected Medical Devices

In addition to wearables and monitors, the heart of IoMT is a variety of advanced medical devices interconnected via the Internet.

  • Smart Inhalers: For asthma and COPD patients, these inhalers track usage and ensure medication is delivered effectively.
  • Digital Pills: Embedded with digestible sensors, pills notify doctors when a medication is taken, ensuring compliance and optimal treatment.
  • Smart Pacemakers: These devices not only regulate heartbeats but also provide data on heart function, helping physicians fine-tune treatment plans.

IoMT Connectivity Technologies

At the intersection of healthcare and technology lies the Internet of Medical Things (IoMT). To truly understand the value IoMT brings, it’s essential to delve into the IoMT connectivity solutions that power this innovation.

Wireless Communication

Traditional wired setups often face obstacles in terms of mobility and adaptability. Wireless technology, however, opens doors to unhindered communication over vast distances.

  • Wi-Fi: Predominant in healthcare institutions, Wi-Fi isn’t just about browsing the Internet. In a medical context, it’s the bridge that connects sophisticated machinery, like MRI scanners, to centralized databases, ensuring vital patient data is promptly and securely processed.
  • Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE): An energy-efficient iteration of Bluetooth, BLE is pivotal in the realm of IoMT. This technology serves as the linchpin for short-range device-to-device communication, ideal for wearables and bedside monitors.

Cloud Services

The sheer volume of data processed by IoMT devices requires advanced storage and retrieval systems. This is where cloud technology shines.

  • Data Storage: With patient confidentiality at its core, cloud storage offers a secure haven for sensitive information. Whether it’s telemetry from a device or a detailed patient history, the cloud ensures data is secure and easy to access.
  • Data Analytics: Advanced analytics tools on the cloud can process vast amounts of data, deriving meaningful insights that aid healthcare professionals in decision-making.


Ensuring reliable communication between devices and the broader healthcare infrastructure involves intricate network designs.

  • Cellular Networks: Devices situated in remote locations or on the move can use cellular networks like 4G or 5G to relay data.
  • Low Power Wide Area Networks (LPWAN): These networks are designed for devices that need to communicate over long distances with low power consumption, such as gadgets used to monitor patients from a distance.

Software Applications

The driving force behind IoMT is the slew of software solutions built with the unique needs of healthcare in mind. These IoMT applications, supported by intelligent algorithms and instantaneous data processing, provide healthcare professionals with a set of tools to enhance healthcare delivery.

Data Analytics

The sheer volume of data processed by IoMT devices means we need powerful analytics software. Such platforms help in:

  • Spotting health trends and patterns.
  • Forecasting potential health issues from the current data.
  • Tailoring treatment strategies based on instant feedback.

Patient Monitoring Applications

Being able to monitor patients consistently is crucial for staying a step ahead in healthcare. Software tapping into IoMT’s broad reach allows:

  • Real-time observation of vital signs, stepping in the moment something looks off.
  • Distant patient supervision, a godsend for those with long-term health issues or those who live far from medical centers.

Medical Software

Apart from analytics and tracking, the IoMT world is bursting with software that’s customized for particular medical tasks and assessments. For instance:

  • Diagnostic tools assisting in reading medical scans.
  • Rehab apps documenting recovery after operations or treatments.
  • Operational software aiding clinics in tasks like stocking up, lining up patient visits, and best utilizing their assets.

At its core, IoMT isn’t just about gadgets and connections. It’s a rich web that’s key to drawing actionable insights from data. By combining world-class software and the latest IoMT technologies, healthcare teams are equipped to deliver thorough, timely, and optimized care, pushing the boundaries of patient outcomes and satisfaction.

The Importance of IoMT in Healthcare

Here’s how the IoMT is making a notable difference across various healthcare settings:

In-Hospital IoMT

Within hospital walls, it’s essential to track the movement and interactions of staff, patients, and equipment. Thanks to IoMT sensors, hospitals can now watch these dynamics in real-time. This not only helps in using resources wisely but also offers leaders a full view of the operations, boosting both patient care and hospital management.

In-Hospital IoMT

In-home IoMT

IoMT at home stands as a strong connector between patients and their healthcare teams, regardless of distance. Devices tailored for monitoring patients at home can send vital stats, like blood pressure or oxygen levels, directly to doctors. Catching health issues early can mean fewer trips back to the hospital.

Pairing IoMT with telehealth is a boon for recently discharged patients. They can address small issues via online chats, dodging unnecessary hospital visits. Plus, tools like personal emergency response systems give an added layer of security, ensuring swift assistance in urgent situations.

On-body IoMT

IoMT isn’t just confined to homes or hospitals; it’s on us. Wearable medical devices, which are part of the on-body IoMT, offer continuous health monitoring as individuals go about their daily routines.

For the general public, wearable devices like fitness trackers provide insights into essential health metrics. More than just monitoring, some of these devices, such as the Apple Watch, can detect potential health threats, acting as a first line of defense.

For more specialized care, clinical on-body IoMT devices offer an expanded range of monitoring options. A prime example would be the glucose sensors for diabetic patients, which can immediately notify them of glucose level anomalies.

Community IoMT

The IoMT community encompasses an entire community or region beyond individual or hospital settings. Mobility services equipped with IoMT track patient metrics during transit, ensuring continuous care. For situations that require immediate medical intervention, first responders are now equipped with emergency response systems to monitor and relay patient data in real time.

The IoMT community is also presenting medical solutions suitable for non-traditional settings. On-site devices allow healthcare providers to extend their services to temporary medical facilities, and kiosks can dispense needed medications in areas with limited access to pharmacies or clinics. Furthermore, the supply chain benefits from IoMT logistics. Sensors can oversee the transportation conditions of critical medical supplies, ensuring that their quality remains uncompromised during transit.

IoMT Real-World Impact: A Look at Case Studies

Let’s look at IoMT in action with the help of practical examples from the real world.

IOMT Case Studies

1. Remote Patient Monitoring

Addressing the pressing issue of increasing sick leaves and aiming to enhance patient care quality, Boston Scientific Partnership introduced a remote monitoring system. This forward-thinking method allows healthcare professionals to consistently monitor patients, particularly those battling chronic conditions like congestive heart failure and diabetes, reducing their frequent trips to the hospital.

2. Smart Inhalers for Asthma Patients

A recurring obstacle for asthma patients is maintaining a regular inhaler regimen. Recognizing this, Propeller Health developed a connected inhaler that tracks medication usage. By integrating sensors, the inhaler sends data to a smartphone app, which in turn provides users with insights into their medication patterns and possible environmental triggers for their symptoms. This has led to improved medication adherence and reduced emergency hospital visits for asthma attacks.

3. Connected Insulin Pens

For diabetics, maintaining the right insulin levels is paramount. Traditional methods can sometimes lead to inaccuracies and complications. Step in the connected insulin pens developed through a collaboration between Novo Nordisk and Medtronic. These pens automatically track and send insulin dosage data to continuous glucose monitoring systems. This integrated approach ensures more accurate insulin dosing and provides real-time feedback to both patients and healthcare providers.

4. Wearable ECG Monitors

Monitoring heart rhythms traditionally requires cumbersome equipment. However, AliveCor’s KardiaMobile has changed this paradigm. This pocket-sized ECG device, when connected to a smartphone, allows users to record a medical-grade ECG in just 30 seconds. Any irregularities are instantly noted, and the data is easily transmitted to a healthcare professional. This level of instantaneous feedback is paramount in conditions like atrial fibrillation, where timely intervention can prevent severe complications.

5. Critical Equipment Monitoring

Think about power outages, system failures, or even cyber-attacks. Since no healthcare organization would want such incidents to happen, they opt for the best IoT solutions. An example is Philips’ e-Alert system, which allows virtual monitoring of critical medical equipment. If any equipment malfunctions, the solution alerts hospital staff so that the failure can be avoided through preventive maintenance.

What is IoMT?:Bottom Line

The horizon showcases not just an increase in numbers but an evolution in the very fabric of IoMT technology. More devices will interconnect, each smarter than its predecessor. And it’s not just about adding numbers; it’s about amplifying efficiency. With superior sensors feeding more precise real-time data, we’re set to witness a paradigm shift in patient monitoring and diagnostics.

But the true game-changer lies in the infusion of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML). As these technologies intertwine with IoMT, we are committed to predictive, proactive, and personalized healthcare. Gone will be the days of solely reactive medicine; the future is about anticipating health challenges and addressing them ahead of time.

The vast reservoirs of data coming from IoMT will not remain just numbers and charts. This data will be the cornerstone of groundbreaking research, fostering new treatment methodologies previously thought unimaginable. Beyond individual patient care, the holistic healthcare landscape stands to gain immensely. IoMT promises to iron out operational wrinkles, making medical management sleeker and more efficient. Plus, imagine a world where healthcare institutions globally aren’t siloed entities but are part of a collaborative nexus, all thanks to the cohesive force of IoMT.

To ensure you’re at the forefront of these innovations and not lagging behind, it’s essential to have a trustworthy partner like Relevant. With our IoMT development services, you’re not just witnessing this transformation from the sidelines – you’re actively participating, ensuring your healthcare or business needs are met with precision and foresight.

Written by
CEO at Relevant
Andrew Burak is the CEO and founder of Relevant Software. With a rich background in IT project management and business, Andrew founded Relevant Software in 2013, driven by a passion for technology and a dream of creating digital products that would be used by millions of people worldwide. Andrew's approach to business is characterized by a refusal to settle for average. He constantly pushes the boundaries of what is possible, striving to achieve exceptional results that will have a significant impact on the world of technology. Under Andrew's leadership, Relevant Software has established itself as a trusted partner in the creation and delivery of digital products, serving a wide range of clients, from Fortune 500 companies to promising startups.

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