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A Deep Dive into Product Development Services for Companies in Sweden

The road to a market-leading product launch in Sweden is rarely a straight shot. Unclear goals, murky user profiles, and a lack of solid documentation are just a few of the pitfalls that can derail even the most enthusiastic ventures. In fact, approximately 35% of projects never see the light of day, unable to weather the chaos of the development process. How not to become a part of those unpleasant statistics? Product development services for companies provided by tech firms can help businesses deliver top-notch results and simplify a large portion of their development process.

Partnership with a company that offers product development services, a structured approach, experienced guidance, and access to skilled professionals may significantly increase your chances of successful market-ready product delivery. But is it really such a salvation for Sweden companies in pursuit of innovation or at least a healthy slice of the market share? We offer you to find out it in our article.  

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Understanding Product Development Services

Product development services—what do they really entail? Many people think that product development refers to just the ‘development’ stage of the entire software product development lifecycle (SDLC). Yet, software development services involve the full scope of activities needed to deliver a digital product from conception to its introduction to the market. 

Throughout SDLC, multiple teams are involved. From product managers who shepherd the project through its phases to research and development teams who handle the nitty-gritty of the product creation to quality assurance (QA) teams who thoroughly test the product to guarantee its functionality and user satisfaction. Each stage of the software development process produces outputs that guide the path forward. These might include:

  • Product concept: A detailed description of the product’s purpose and key features.
  • Prototype: A physical or digital model used to test the product’s interface and functionality.
  • Product development roadmap: A timeline outlining the key milestones and deliverables.

Types of Product Development Services

New product development is like planning a big adventure—it involves a map, various stops, and a team ready to tackle whatever comes their way. Here’s a breakdown of the essential full-cycle product development services that offer support in your endeavor to launch a product at each stage:  

ServiceWhat includesDescription
ConceptualizationMarket research & analysisRelevant specialists dig deep to understand your target customer’s needs and solutions available in the market
Idea validation & refinementExperts help flesh out your concept, validate its viability, and identify potential gaps through user research and competitor analysis.
Product strategy developmentA roadmap for your product that outlines its key features, value proposition, and competitive positioning is created.
DesignUser Experience (UX) designDesigners create an interface that resonates with your target audience.
User Interface (UI) designVisual aesthetics and user interaction elements are added.
Information Architecture (IA)The organization of content and functionality is planned to ensure a logical flow and effortless user navigation.
PrototypingLow-fidelity prototypesThese quick and cheap prototypes allow for early user feedback on core functionalities and concepts.
High-fidelity prototypesMore polished and interactive prototypes that closely resemble the final product let you test better user experience and usability.
TestingTests on usabilityReal users interact with the prototype and share their opinion on how easily and intuitively they can navigate and complete tasks.
Tests on performanceThe product’s functionality and speed are evaluated under various scenarios to ensure optimal performance under real-world conditions.
Tests on securitySecurity professionals identify and address potential vulnerabilities before launch.
LaunchGo-to-market strategyExperts help develop a comprehensive plan for your product rollout, including marketing tactics and distribution channels.
Deployment and maintenanceThe product is seamlessly launched across the chosen platforms, and continuous support is provided to address any post-launch issues

Benefits of Outsourcing Product Development

When it comes to software product development, every company faces a big decision: outsource or build an in-house team. Deloitte’s recent survey revealed that 79% of organizations choose to outsource software development. Here’s what Sweden companies can gain when they do it successfully:

Why invest in the heavy overhead of maintaining an in-house team when you can pay for expertise only when you need it? An in-house dedicated product development team demands solid expenditures on salaries and tech infrastructure. When you outsource, you will have access to a wider talent pool, potentially at more competitive rates. You also avoid the costs associated with office space (new hires will need a working place), equipment, and software licenses. Essentially, you only pay for the services you need.

  • Access to specialized expertise

Software development outsourcing gives you access to diverse experts who live and breathe product development. The team of professionals possesses specialized skills that might be hard or too expensive to find locally. Whether you need tech skills in AI or IoT integration or niche product knowledge in fintech development or cybersecurity expertise, outsourcing connects you to the best in the field.

  • Faster time to market

Outsourcing product development services can accelerate the process of getting your product from concept to launch. When you hire remote software developers with established workflows and processes and who probably already worked together on the projects, they will seamlessly integrate into your project with a minimum ramp-up time. From our experience, it takes 3-5 days to assemble a team of experts our clients need and who are ready to jump straight into your project immediately. With their help, you can bypass the lengthy steps of team recruitment and, instead, get down to business.

Characteristics of the Swedish Market

The Nordic market is considered one of the best and most rapidly growing business environments in the world. Sweden is a hotbed for entrepreneurial activity that gave the globe iconic brands Ericson and Ikea. Here’s how we can describe the Swedish software development market:

  • Sustainable solutions. Environmental consciousness plays a significant role in Swedish business practices. Consumers more and more value software solutions that are eco-friendly and promote sustainable practices. So, Swedish businesses alike need to actively integrate sustainability into their core strategies to meet the demands of local customers.
  • Tech-savvy consumer base. The country boasts a highly skilled and tech-savvy population. They are eager and quick to embrace new digital solutions, which makes Sweden a perfect foothold for a new disruptive tech product launch.
  • Strong digital infrastructure. Sweden ranks among the global leaders in digital adoption with an incredible 98.1% internet penetration rate as of early 2024. The country’s extensive high-speed broadband and mobile data services make it an attractive location for digital innovation and business operations.

While the local talent pool and digital infrastructure are impressive, developer salaries in Sweden are rather high, and finding a niche expert, let’s say, in blockchain, can be difficult locally. That’s two main reasons why most Swedish businesses decide to outsource software development to Eastern Europe

Some popular destinations like Poland, Ukraine, and Romania offer competitive rates on product development services for companies in Sweden due to the lower cost of living, yet it in no way affects the quality of software solutions they deliver. These regions are known for their strong pool of IT professionals and advanced technical knowledge that might be scarce at home. Moreover, the cultural and operational similarities make nearshore software developers a logical choice for Swedish firms looking to expand their development teams quickly and efficiently.

How to Choose the Right Product Development Partner in Sweden

There are many options for almost any kind of outsourced support you might need, with an even greater choice of tech agencies that offer product development services for startups. The decision isn’t easy. And if the final deliverables’ suitability and reputation for your business are at stake, you’ll be under extra pressure to select the right partner. We understand it like nobody else, and hence, we share some tips to help you make a decision you won’t regret.

Criteria for Selecting a Product Development Service

One of the critical aspects you should make sure of is that the company you plan to hire is very good at cooperation. Their culture and ways of communication are equally important for fruitful cooperation. 

“As you will work very closely with your technology partner, it’s vital that they are open and communicative. It would be perfect if you could directly reach out to their developers. Transparency and openness in communication reduce friction and smooth the way. At Relevant, we work with you, not for you.”

Here are some other main selection criteria to help you choose that ideal partner.


Your potential partner should possess the specific technical skills needed for your project.  Look for a team with expertise in the programming languages, frameworks, and tools relevant to your product’s needs. Also, check whether they have expertise in software development in your industry or a related field. If a development team you consider as a potential extension of your team understands the industry nuances and user needs the chances of successful product launch double.


Client feedback and references are some of the first things organizations check when they look for custom software product development services. Also, it would be wise to review whether your potential partner has completed projects similar to the one you want to create. For example, if you seek to build an IoT healthcare solution, make sure the company you choose to cooperate with has some experience with IoT product development consultancy services or IoMT software development.  

Technological Capabilities

Ensure that your potential partner has the technological tools and processes that align with the latest industry standards. This could range from advanced software solutions for design and simulation to modern hardware for prototype creation and more. The key point here is to verify that their technology stack is up-to-date and can support your project’s requirements.

Past Project Successes

Look for a service provider with a proven track record of delivering projects on time and within budget. Investigate their portfolio for previous projects similar to yours. Don’t just look at the end products; consider the impact these projects had on the client’s success. Ask for client references to get real-world feedback on their work.

Steps to Engage with a Product Development Firm

At this stage, you might still feel hesitant about your vendor selection. The reality is that without taking that first step, you’ll never discover the potential. Nonetheless, we’d like to share a step-by-step guide and some advice on how to establish a reliable software development partnership and clear up all your doubts.

1. Initial Consultation

Clearly articulate your product concept, target audience, and desired functionalities. The clearer your vision, the better the product development services provider can tailor their approach. You should also outline your expectations for deliverables, timelines, and budget. This meeting will clarify whether the company’s capabilities align with your expectations and whether their work style and company culture fit you.

2. Proposal and Agreement

Following the initial discussions, the company will present a proposal that outlines the strategy, project timeline, costs, and deliverables. Carefully review this document and make sure that both you and your partner have a mutual understanding of the scope and expectations before you move forward. If all the terms and conditions are agreeable and clearly defined, then you sign an agreement.

3. Project Roadmap

The actual product development services for companies begin with detailed preparation and creation of the project plan. At this stage, your partner will set milestones, define key deliverables for each stage of the development, and allocate resources. This project roadmap helps keep everyone on track throughout the development process.

4. Design and Development

The team of UI/UX designers and developers of the service provider you cooperate with will first create a design for your product and then build a functional prototype if a project requires it. From our experience, most start with basic prototypes, as they let you get early feedback on your future product and iterate on its design and functionality. As the design solidifies, software engineers will work to turn these prototypes into a fully operational, secure product.

5. Testing and Refinement

No product should go to market without being thoroughly tested on usability, compatibility, performance, and security. The company will test your software to identify and resolve any bugs or functionality issues before launch.

6. Delivery and Launch

Once the software product is completed and all parties are satisfied, it’s ready for launch. A trusted development agency will provide all necessary documentation and support to facilitate a smooth transition, whether that involves your team’s education or assistance with initial market introduction.

7. Post-Launch Support

After the product is launched, it’s beneficial to maintain a relationship with your tech partner for post-launch support. Software maintenance, bug fixes, and feature updates are important to keep your product relevant, functional, and competitive.

Tips for Optimal Collaboration and Communication

  • Always keep the project goals clear and revisit them with your partner to ensure alignment.
  • Define clear communication channels.
  • Schedule regular check-ins to discuss progress, changes, and any issues.
  • Be transparent and provide timely feedback.
  • Actively participate in the development process.
  • Foster a culture of trust and open communication.

Trends and Innovations in Product Development in Sweden

The SaaS product development services industry in Sweden has clear areas of strength – the use of advanced technologies and a sustainability perspective. We have already witnessed the results of the favorable Swedish entrepreneurial landscape in the emergence of top-notch products with a global market impact (Volvo Cars, Scania, ABB, etc.). So, we can safely say that innovation is the second name of the country. Here’s a glimpse into what sets Sweden apart:

The Power of AI and ML

Swedish developers actively use Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) to streamline design processes. AI algorithms can identify patterns and trends in huge sets of data to inform design decisions and optimize product functionality. The second power of smart technologies is personalization. ML-driven features like product recommendation engines or adaptive interfaces will surely enhance user engagement and satisfaction.

The Rise of the Internet of Things (IoT)

IoT technology is another pillar that transforms product development in Sweden. This technology is in high demand today as it is able to collect a lot of data on product usage and performance and help companies improve their products. IoT opens a world of possibilities for smarter products, more efficient processes, and entirely new user experiences. 


Perhaps most notably, sustainability has become a cornerstone of product development in Sweden. In addition to eco-friendly practices, Swedish companies actively embrace sustainable product solutions that use less energy, are made from recyclable materials, and have a longer lifecycle. 

These trends paint a picture of Swedish product development as a future-oriented industry where technological advancements go hand in hand with environmental responsibility.

Case Study of Successful Product Development in Sweden

We aim to be a trusted provider of custom software product development services for our clients in Sweden, and therefore, we constantly upgrade our skills and expand our technological capabilities. Recently, we’ve been working heavily on data analytics solutions and have completed some noteworthy projects. 

Reporting platform for Intended Future

Intended Future is a Swedish company that approached Relevant with the need to build a demo version of the platform that would help car manufacturers accelerate the vehicle design process. They wanted a solution that dynamically showcases car defects, ratings, areas for improvement, and other critical insights automotive design brands can easily see through comprehensive reports. 

The main hurdle was to integrate Power BI for business analytics into the platform, constrained by a tight timeline and budget. In just one month, Relevant’s team of two full-stack engineers, a QA, a business analyst, and a project manager successfully rolled out the demo. Apart from automated report generation, the demo version we created featured an admin dashboard for complete platform management.

Thanks to the successful collaboration and positive outcomes, Intended Future continues its partnership with us and expands the platform’s capabilities.

Build your Software Product with Relevant Software

In 2024, Swedish businesses can’t afford low-quality software products. For this reason, they search for a reliable software development company that will get their technical back. While there’s no silver bullet to selecting an ideal partner, such criteria as experience, a track record, and tech expertise should guide your decision.

At Relevant, we provide product development services for companies in Sweden to help businesses innovate faster, more easily, and without hurdles. As an IT outsourcing services company, we can supercharge your in-house team and handle all the dev details while you can focus on your vision. Dream big, plan smart, and build solutions only with Relevant experts. 

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    Andrew Burak

    Andrew Burak is the CEO and founder of Relevant Software. With a rich background in IT project management and business, Andrew founded Relevant Software in 2013, driven by a passion for technology and a dream of creating digital products that would be used by millions of people worldwide. Andrew's approach to business is characterized by a refusal to settle for average. He constantly pushes the boundaries of what is possible, striving to achieve exceptional results that will have a significant impact on the world of technology. Under Andrew's leadership, Relevant Software has established itself as a trusted partner in the creation and delivery of digital products, serving a wide range of clients, from Fortune 500 companies to promising startups.

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