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Secure your personal meeting slot today — let's connect and discuss opportunities!

18-19, September
Steinkjer, Norway

Petro Diakiv, Delivery Manager at RELEVANT SOFTWARE

Petro Diakiv,
Delivery Manager

Let’s connect

Refer a friend

It’s easy. You refer people and if they become
Relevant you get a bonus for that.

Refer a friend

A referral is the information you provide to a recruiter about a candidate (candidate up to date CV). Candidate should meet the vacancy requirements, has to be eager to be interviewed for this position, and be willing to provide services as a contractor to Relevant Software.

What vacancies count?

Referral should be provided only for active vacancies which are pointed “HOT”.

How long does the referral count valid?

The referral is valid for 2 months. No bonus will be paid if we do not hire a referred person within 2 months.

How to send the information?

Referral should be sent to vacancy@relevant.software Or by filling in the form.

  1. The name of the vacancy
    you want to refer the person
    for in the email subject field
  2. The CV of the candidate
    (or a link to a LinkedIn profile
    with contact details)
  3. The candidate’s name,
    surname, patronymic
  4. Salary expectations,
    if known

You will receive a bonus in case:

  • your referral meets requirements and the recruiting process is successful;
  • a suggested candidate is hired and has successfully passed the 3-month probation period (his manager is satisfied with the candidate’s performance).

Who can refer a candidate? What if I am outside of Relevant?

  • anyone can submit an unlimited number of referrals, be it an employee, ex-employee, or non-employee.

When reference is NOT accepted:

  • when a candidate refers himself;
  • if the candidate was contacted by a recruiter or referred by someone else during the previous 2 months.

What kind of bonus do I get?

  • The bonuses vary on the position and the candidate’s level, which is conducted during the technical interview. Contact us for more information.

Refer a friend

    Vacancy title you want to refer a candidate for
    Your contact details
    Candidate's contact details


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